I believe that my group is world-leading in modeling of granular and multiphase flows.
Development and application of mathematical models for granular and multi-phase flows are our main mission.
配属された学生には丁寧な研究指導を行っており、研究で最も重要になる課題設定の考え方も指導しています。 グループミーティングを定期的に行っており、学生からの研究報告に基づき研究のまとめ方について議論します。
これまでに、大学院の主席修了者(工学系研究科長賞受賞者(おおよそ2年に一人))、日本学術振興会特別研究員(修士課程から博士課程へ進学・修了したすべての学生が獲得しています)、 国内外の学会での受賞者、を数多く輩出しており、頑張った学生が活躍できるようにサポートしています。
I look for highly motivated master and Ph.D. students not only from my university but also from the other universities in the world.
In order to join my group, the applicants must pass the entrance examination for Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management.
As shown in our department homepage, the entrance examination is composed of English (examination based on TOEFL-ITP) , Mathematical problems, Reading comprehension examination and Oral examination
(you should check all the information regarding the entrance examination by yourself).
Most of my students positively acquire knowledge of physics, applied mathematics and programming, experimental skills for validation and physical properties, and logical thinking that is necessary for writing a high-quality paper.
Some students develop a state-of-the-art physics model based on the discrete element method, and the other students apply it for a better understanding of scientific phenomena.
They are carefully supervised, and hence win presentation awards in various conferences every year and Dean's award (best student award) almost every two years.
As far as the scholarship is concerned, please see the following links.
■ International applicants
■ Scholarship